If for some reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we offer a UK Returns Policy on all Refund / Exchange requests with the exception of earrings for hygiene reasons.

All items must be returned within 14 days of receipt of the order and must be returned new, unused, and in the original packaging with all FOALES garment tags and labels attached. To start your return, fill in the below returns form.

Once we have received your returned item(s) at our offices, we will send you an email to confirm receipt of the returned goods. Please allow 10 working days for your return to reach us. We cannot be held responsible for item(s) lost in transit.

We will then inspect the returned item(s) and providing the order has been sent back as per the FOALES Returns Policy, we will process your return request within 14 days of receipt of the returned goods and will send you further email notification to confirm this.